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old_mate 25-02-2005 12:30 AM

Why life is good right now
1. Finally back in Brisbane for 3 weeks, glad to be out of Sydney

2. Flew up here for 47 bucks, business class :)

3. XY arrives tomorrow

4. Half a dozen stockies ready

5. All my best mates from high school coming back next week for holidays too

6. Been back 24hrs and already looking good with a couple of chicks

7. Bundy Rum is $24.95

8. Mum's cooking again!

9. With my two great dogs

10. Dont have to work again till march 18th :)

needturbo6 25-02-2005 12:40 AM

lucky bastard hehehe


Dave_au 25-02-2005 12:52 AM

You forgot to mention camel's ****/dishwater/XXXX

GreenMachine 25-02-2005 10:14 AM

You bastard.

Have fun mate!

neb 25-02-2005 10:38 AM

damn that does sound good!

chelvdog 25-02-2005 11:11 AM

I think the old man, chained upside down in the movie The Life of Brian said it best, "you lucky, lucky bastard!"

Yum-Yum 25-02-2005 11:56 AM

Hahahaha good on ya man, don't get to comfy now lol

mick.wheelz 25-02-2005 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by chelvdog
I think the old man, chained upside down in the movie The Life of Brian said it best, "you lucky, lucky bastard!"

lol, i love that movie

and old_mate sounds like everything is just about perfect for you atmo, good stuff! :D

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