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DanXR6T 18-02-2005 09:08 PM

Who lives on their own?
So who is a loner like me?

I've come to the conclusion that living on my own sucks. After two years on campus at uni, two years with mates, and two years with my girlfriend, now that I am living on my own it sucks.

It wouldn't be so bad if I knew lots of people, but having just moved town to start a new job, and not knowing anyone, its boring.

I guess you grow used to having someone to talk to..

Anyway just a whinge.. It's probably brought on by being broke (getting paid fortnightly is the devil's idea!) and having next to bugger all fuel in the car lol..


LUXO_8 18-02-2005 09:13 PM

nup, still live at home.
its way too easy..

i need to get out more........:(

Philbie 18-02-2005 09:24 PM

not me - and I wouldn't do it again if I can help it

Tote 18-02-2005 09:36 PM

Prior to moving in with the one who loves me I lived on my own for 6 years in two cottages on farms. I just got too old and grumpy to put up with:
Psycho hose beast flatmates
Everyone knowing what you were up to
Arguing over what I was watching on MY Tele
Listening to Bonking / Fighting / whatever in the next bedroom
Being told that my ute needed to be in the garage less than some stinking hyundai enema
Not being able to listen to Buckcherry as loud as I wanted to
and if I wanted some company I could always crash in town because "You can't drive home in that condition"

Having said that after I moved out of home for the first 5 years or so I had some pretty cool flatmates. Been happily married now for 5 years so I can't be all that unsociable.
Living on your own isn't all bad.

MotherNatureVer2 18-02-2005 09:40 PM

Looks like I might be living on my own again for a bit ..... well except for the kids :p

My b/f is thinking of taking on a job in Darwin .............

Good on him I think ........

Love living on my own ...... with the kids ;)

Dodge 18-02-2005 09:42 PM

brings back memories . peace and quiet..

DanXR6T 18-02-2005 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Dodge
brings back memories . peace and quiet..

I hate peace and quiet...

Give me noise anyday..

pauljh74 18-02-2005 09:58 PM

I'm on my own after sharing with friends in the past. A mate I met in year 7 shared with me for 4 years but has now moved in with his woman - fair enough after going out with her for 3. I think I'm a bit fussy because I don't like it when I make the effort to clean one week and others won't the next. Had to sort out a couple who are friends when they'd go out and we'd clean the place week after week. Now that I have a gf I do prefer the extra privacy of living alone as well. You need to sort out who gets what before you move in. So you might offer to pay a larger share for taking the master bedroom with ensuite and the carport or garage

If you are living alone, you need to spend some time every week socialising for it to work out OK. I do spend the weekend with friends, but I also like it when I get time alone without anyone bothering me. The big upside of sharing a place is splitting the bills! Rent before was $110 out of the $230 weekly rent. Now it's $160 a week in an older house half the size in a suburb 10km further out from the city

Kryton 18-02-2005 10:19 PM

i dont think ive ever truely lived on my own. i moved out years ago but that didnt work after a couple of years so i was forced to move back home.
i had no need to move out after that as my dad moved out on AMERICA!! god im fun to live with!!
nah its not like that at all, he moved on his own accord and not because of me.

paul7v7 18-02-2005 10:37 PM

nah i still live at home, saving for a house. Not sure I could live with the 'peace and quiet.' When I move out it will be with a gf or a bunch of friends.

XD 351 Ute 18-02-2005 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tote
Being told that my ute needed to be in the garage less than some stinking hyundai enema

Hehehehe........ That Hyundai Enema just cracks me up!!!

Yep, been living on my own for 9 years now.
Got HEAPS of piece and quiet. Too much actually.........

At least my ute doesn't have to panic about being kicked out of the garage.

I do what I want, when I want, and however I want......

Sounds selfish, but that's just the way it is.

Only drawback I can see (apart from lack of company) is that you have to do everything yourself. Well maybe. The times between doing things repeatedly can by flexible if you know what I mean.

I think I've actually lost the plot, because I'm at the stage where I've had a gutfull of everything, and am looking to move back to Brisbane to be near family.

See what happens I suppose. I hate traffic!!

But there's plenty more to choose from in the female department....

Maybe my next room should be padded......... :bounce: :help: :togo:

Ed :)

iCat 18-02-2005 10:58 PM

Axeman82 - don't Flo and Sir Jo live in Kingaroy? You could take around some scones and make friends .....

I'm a shiftworker, and for the amount of limited time I see my other half (two ships passing in the night) I may as well be living on my own! It encourages you to use your brain to keep yourself occupied ....

DanXR6T 18-02-2005 11:11 PM

they do live here.. actually i am related in some way...

Kermit 18-02-2005 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by XD 351 Ute
I do what I want, when I want, and however I want......

Yeah, but that usually means that there's nothing to do and nodbody to do it with. Especially if you are a shift worker or similar. I love being able to come and go when I want, turn up any music I want, play any instrument I want...and the neighbours tell me they never hear a thing!!!! But they have remarked that I come home at strange hours.


Originally Posted by paul7v7
nah i still live at home

Where else would you live??? Work? Pub?

champsky 18-02-2005 11:20 PM

i live at home, usedto live with a mate but on a maccas part time wage it just wasnt happening:(

cant wait till i can afford to move out again, i loved the solitude.

dont get em wrong im not anti-social, i just value my alone time, if i want to seemates i go out and meet them lol

on the flip side, living at home rocks!!!! 100 bucks a week for everything, can it get much better than that lol

tickford2001 18-02-2005 11:53 PM

I know others live here, every time l cook they come out to eat...then dissapear again when the dishes need doing. Clothes mysteriously appear in the laundry. Strange noise can be heard from certain areas around the house. Luckily, l have my own sanctuary and l love 'my alone time' away from it all! God bless ipod:nutsycuck headphones and bedroom doors :nana:

LuvinmyEB 18-02-2005 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dodge
brings back memories . peace and quiet..

What is this peace and quiet of which you speak?
Do I need a prescription for it or can I get it over the counter? :nutsycuck

wedgey 19-02-2005 12:00 AM

Yeah I live alone after an 11 year defacto marriage, I think I'm happier this way (most of the time anyway) , have my kids every couple of weekends. I dunno if I could live with a partner now, could handle living with house mates I think though as long as they weren't the whinging type, but I think I might be hard to live with, too used to doing what I want when I want to do it :)

iCat 19-02-2005 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Axeman82
they do live here.. actually i am related in some way...

Well there you go - invite them around to talk farming peanuts with Sir Jo, and to try out your very latest pumpkin scone recipe on Flo. Gosh, you could get this happening a couple of times a week.

And then you'll find you are very grateful when you are on your own!

JADED6 19-02-2005 02:32 AM

Moved out of home & have been living on my own for 4 years.
I love it.
3 rooms, 2 stories all to me...
Seems to be a few "living alone shift worker" types.
Whenever friends do come over they always comment on how clean/neat the place is so that leads me to believe i couldn't share with anyone as they'd mess the place up. hehe.
It's only tidy because it's easy to clean up after 1 person. Not hard to do dishes when they need doing etc etc.

Worst part is covering rent. At times i think of all the things i could do if someone else was paying even 30% of the rent. Wouldn't be hard to get flat mates being close to UNI & transport.

FRDGAL 19-02-2005 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by LuvinmyEB
What is this peace and quiet of which you speak?

I've heard of this 'peace and quiet' thing. Apparently, once you experience it, your sanity returns.

Chucky 19-02-2005 03:28 AM

Some of the best times I've had have been when I lived on my own. Second year apprentice, XR6 ute (XH), rent money, living on rice (& whatever I could find to put in it), working probably 70hr weeks & partying like there was no tomorrow.. Bloody ace!

Having said that... life only gets easier from there!!

Rodp 19-02-2005 07:23 AM

Been living alone for about 9 years now, had the odd interloper friend getting cheap rent for a few months. Getting set in my ways like this because I have the run of the place, do what I want when I want and not clean up when I want. :P

My last gf who I was with for 5 years wanted to move in, but I said no. Now she's an ex-gf. She was good enough to hang out with but not good enough to give up my nirvana for.

Funnily, all my married mates rush over when they need peace and quiet from their wailing other halves and envy my solitude. It does have its moments but on the whole and having lived in share places and with a few partners, I'm lovin' in.

mad machs 19-02-2005 08:01 AM

Married for 8 years, divorced now for 5yrs. My daughter lives with me (shes 9)
so not really living alone, either working or looking after her- but wouldn't have it anyother way, leaves little time for the Aussie powered Mustang though but we go to the car shows in the summer which are usually held at fun parks etc
Like having the place to ourselves tho, chill central : ) Ex wife was a total nightmare & went off the rails big time. Peace & quiet rocks :1syellow1

Black Kat 19-02-2005 11:17 AM

I'm living alone too. I wouldn't mind roomies or whatever, but it's hard to find ones to trust, that get along with the animals, that respect The Car. I hate people touching my things!

And disorganising my cd's & DVD's is just not on.

My ex-husband (now) was a shift worker, so I guess I'm used to a lot of time by myself. I like being social though. But it's expensive by yourself. :(

Twisted 19-02-2005 12:36 PM

Lived with mates up in Darwin for awhile and depending on who was out bush at what time we'd get to spend about a month or so with the house to ourselves. Unfortunately now that ive come back to melbourne im at home with mum and dad again but currently looking at moving into a house my mate is hoping to buy. Gotta get out of home! lol

deankdx 19-02-2005 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rodp
My last gf who I was with for 5 years wanted to move in, but I said no. Now she's an ex-gf. She was good enough to hang out with but not good enough to give up my nirvana for.

sounds like my story a bit, i moved from parents 10 years ago, lived by myself all this time, had GFs stay over but never move in(could be a commitment issue according to last GF)
i don't like people over touching my stuff etc my place is a mess, i can always find what i'm looking for(its on the floor)
i work with about 150 odd people so i socialise there and email freinds and stuff and vist my parents and best mate each fortnight.
never seem to have enough time to get things done. usually wash the dishes when there is none left in the cupboard, same with clothes
i like it but most girls say i need to socialise, MOST blokes understand and wish they had a house to themself too.(they wouldn't say this o there wives of course)

RED_EL_XR8 19-02-2005 12:45 PM

I do! And we never argue! :nutsycuck :nutsycuck :nutsycuck

Black Kat 19-02-2005 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by RED_EL_XR8
I do! And we never argue! :nutsycuck :nutsycuck :nutsycuck

Hehe, I hate it when the good half of me wins. :evil3:

rodderz 19-02-2005 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Chucky
Some of the best times I've had have been when I lived on my own. Second year apprentice, XR6 ute (XH), rent money, living on rice (& whatever I could find to put in it), working probably 70hr weeks & partying like there was no tomorrow.. Bloody ace!

Having said that... life only gets easier from there!!

Mate you'll be afar from living by yourself in a few months time....

Far from getting any sleep too!

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