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Crazy Dazz 01-12-2021 09:54 PM

I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
So, in order to provide more "Green Electricity", Snowy Mountains Power is building a new 600mw power station.

Sounds Good?

Except this isn't more Hydro, they're actually building a GAS-Fired power station.

So how the heck is that Green?
Well I'm glad you asked, because this is the truly genius bit.
It will be able to run on HYDROGEN Gas.

Yes, that's right folks, they'll be able to use electricity to produce Hydrogen gas,
then burn that hydrogen to produce electricity.

Why has nobody thought of this brilliant idea before?:wbk

Citroënbender 01-12-2021 11:17 PM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
If you’re going to complain the world has gone mad - why not start by changing your username to “Sane Dazz”? :p

oldel 01-12-2021 11:21 PM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
Oh, I see our angry facebook poster has returned here instead of starting his own blog elsewhere.
You are mad, YOUR reality is bonkers. Stop getting news from facebook or where ever.
Haven't you heard of the Hunter Power project? It's mentioned on the same pages as snowy 2.0 but it's not in the same place.

I mean what would you like to do? You know coal plants aren't getting built and the existing ones are closing. Hydro can't do everything and 2.0 is more of a battery really. So currently people are building gas etc. It's not green, but it's not greenies who want it anyway - they'd prefer solar and wind.

But the resources sector is huge and powerful, it's them that are pushing the governments to gas! (or bringing up nuclear).

E: anyway, snowy 2.0 isn't a green power supply, (that would be solar, wind or tidal instead). Snowy 2.0 is a pumped hydro plan, ie a battery. Still need to make power somewhere but those in power are getting lobbied by the resource industry and pushing gas upon us. Keeps those industries in business, keeps miners mining, and more employed servicing and maintaining it. Nothing green about it, it's not a green solution. It's about jobs etc.

Crazy Dazz 02-12-2021 10:23 PM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad

Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
Oh, I see our angry facebook poster has returned here instead of starting his own blog elsewhere.
You are mad, YOUR reality is bonkers. Stop getting news from facebook or where ever.

Drugs are Bad, m'kay.


Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
Haven't you heard of the Hunter Power project?

WTAF did you think I was taking about?:doh


Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
It's mentioned on the same pages as snowy 2.0 but it's not in the same place.

I didn't say it was.
I said it's being BUILT by Snowy Hydro. Maybe stop getting your mummy to do your English Homework?


Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
2.0 is more of a battery really. snowy 2.0 isn't a green power supply, Snowy 2.0 is a pumped hydro plan, ie a battery.

And you think I'M the one getting the two completely separate projects confused?


Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
It's not green, but it's not greenies who want it anyway - they'd prefer solar and wind.
snowy 2.0 isn't a green power supply, (that would be solar, wind or tidal instead).

Read it again.
"Green" is apparently whatever the pollies say it is. They ARE claiming "Green" credentials, because this Gas-Fired station is capable of running on so-called "Green Hydrogen".


Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
Nothing green about it, it's not a green solution.

:doh Which was exactly my point!


Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
But the resources sector is huge and powerful, it's them that are pushing the governments to gas! (or bringing up nuclear).
those in power are getting lobbied by the resource industry and pushing gas upon us. Keeps those industries in business, keeps miners mining, and more employed servicing and maintaining it.

Now who's getting his news from facebook?

NB: Please stop stalking me on facebook, it's getting creepy.

Syndrome 02-12-2021 10:42 PM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
Gone mad? This is just the beginning of the decay.

b0son 02-12-2021 11:26 PM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad

Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
I mean what would you like to do? You know coal plants aren't getting built and the existing ones are closing. Hydro can't do everything and 2.0 is more of a battery really. So currently people are building gas etc. It's not green, but it's not greenies who want it anyway - they'd prefer solar and wind.

If Snowy 2.0 is a battery, then it's just what you need in combination with solar/wind, no?

The government are the ones pushing this - AEMO have basically said it's not needed, there is enough capacity coming online over the next year or two to cover the shortfall due to Liddell's closure.

foxtrot3 03-12-2021 07:33 AM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
Hi. Making hydrogen gas and burning it doesnt help the mining sector at all and if you burn it with the oxygen that you split it from when it was water the only waste products are heat and water. If they mix these gasses with what they are burning now they will get more energy out for no more pollution output and have a stable base load generation system still in place but fueled by green supply chains. Cheers MD

nearlythere 12-12-2021 09:57 AM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
Mate, Just stay off social media, no news ect. Just worry about YOU and forget trying to get anyone here to understand you, Been there done that.
Seriously just focus on yourself. The world ( the people in it ) are a bit coo coo these days. The sad thing is they know why, But do nothing about it.

burnz 12-12-2021 11:45 AM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad

Originally Posted by oldel (Post 6655911)
Oh, I see our angry facebook poster has returned here instead of starting his own blog elsewhere.
You are mad, YOUR reality is bonkers. Stop getting news from facebook or where ever.
Haven't you heard of the Hunter Power project? It's mentioned on the same pages as snowy 2.0 but it's not in the same place.


I mean what would you like to do? You know coal plants aren't getting built and the existing ones are closing. Hydro can't do everything and 2.0 is more of a battery really. So currently people are building gas etc. It's not green, but it's not greenies who want it anyway - they'd prefer solar and wind.

But the resources sector is huge and powerful, it's them that are pushing the governments to gas! (or bringing up nuclear).

E: anyway, snowy 2.0 isn't a green power supply, (that would be solar, wind or tidal instead). Snowy 2.0 is a pumped hydro plan, ie a battery. Still need to make power somewhere but those in power are getting lobbied by the resource industry and pushing gas upon us. Keeps those industries in business, keeps miners mining, and more employed servicing and maintaining it. Nothing green about it, it's not a green solution. It's about jobs etc.

crazzy dazz is correct..

First Law
The first law of thermodynamics states: In a process without transfer of matter, the change in internal energy, {\displaystyle \Delta U}\Delta U, of a thermodynamic system is equal to the energy gained as heat, {\displaystyle Q}Q, less the thermodynamic work, {\displaystyle W}W, done by the system on its surroundings.[26][nb 1]

{\displaystyle \Delta U=Q-W}{\displaystyle \Delta U=Q-W}.
For processes that include transfer of matter, a further statement is needed: With due account of the respective fiducial reference states of the systems, when two systems, which may be of different chemical compositions, initially separated only by an impermeable wall, and otherwise isolated, are combined into a new system by the thermodynamic operation of removal of the wall, then

{\displaystyle U_{0}=U_{1}+U_{2}}{\displaystyle U_{0}=U_{1}+U_{2}},
where U0 denotes the internal energy of the combined system, and U1 and U2 denote the internal energies of the respective separated systems.

Adapted for thermodynamics, this law is an expression of the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy can be transformed (changed from one form to another), but cannot be created or destroyed.[27]

Internal energy is a principal property of the thermodynamic state, while heat and work are modes of energy transfer by which a process may change this state. A change of internal energy of a system may be achieved by any combination of heat added or removed and work performed on or by the system. As a function of state, the internal energy does not depend on the manner, or on the path through intermediate steps, by which the system arrived at its state.

Second Law
A traditional version of the second law of thermodynamics states: Heat does not spontaneously flow from a colder body to a hotter.

The second law refers to a system of matter and radiation, initially with inhomogeneities in temperature, pressure, chemical potential, and other intensive properties, that are due to internal 'constraints', or impermeable rigid walls, within it, or to externally imposed forces. The law observes that, when the system is isolated from the outside world and from those forces, there is a definite thermodynamic quantity, its entropy, that increases as the constraints are removed, eventually reaching a maximum value at thermodynamic equilibrium, when the inhomogeneities practically vanish. For systems that are initially far from thermodynamic equilibrium, though several have been proposed, there is known no general physical principle that determines the rates of approach to thermodynamic equilibrium, and thermodynamics does not deal with such rates. The many versions of the second law all express the irreversibility of such approach to thermodynamic equilibrium.

In macroscopic thermodynamics, the second law is a basic observation applicable to any actual thermodynamic process; in statistical thermodynamics, the second law is postulated to be a consequence of molecular chaos.

Third Law
The third law of thermodynamics states: As the temperature of a system approaches absolute zero, all processes cease and the entropy of the system approaches a minimum value.

This law of thermodynamics is a statistical law of nature regarding entropy and the impossibility of reaching absolute zero of temperature. This law provides an absolute reference point for the determination of entropy. The entropy determined relative to this point is the absolute entropy. Alternate definitions include "the entropy of all systems and of all states of a system is smallest at absolute zero," or equivalently "it is impossible to reach the absolute zero of temperature by any finite number of processes".

Absolute zero, at which all activity would stop if it were possible to achieve, is −273.15 °C (degrees Celsius), or −459.67 °F (degrees Fahrenheit), or 0 K (kelvin), or 0° R (degrees Rankine).
you can't get something from nothing, it is always diminishing returns.. (you need more to make less)

98TLS 12-12-2021 06:50 PM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
:lol World went South long before you could tap a few keys in ya lounge room and give an opinion:lol just saying.

slowsnake 13-12-2021 08:12 AM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad

Originally Posted by foxtrot3 (Post 6656332)
Hi. Making hydrogen gas and burning it doesnt help the mining sector at all and if you burn it with the oxygen that you split it from when it was water the only waste products are heat and water. If they mix these gasses with what they are burning now they will get more energy out for no more pollution output and have a stable base load generation system still in place but fueled by green supply chains. Cheers MD

I have always been of the opinion that hydrogen is only as clean as the "fuel" used to produce it?:raisedeye

XR Martin 13-12-2021 10:25 AM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad
What is madness, is in qld they are bulldozing 100s of hectares of pristine wilderness to put up wind farms.

Adamz Ghia 13-12-2021 07:29 PM

Re: I Give Up - The World has Gone Completely Mad

Originally Posted by XR Martin (Post 6659981)
What is madness, is in qld they are bulldozing 100s of hectares of pristine wilderness to put up wind farms.

Wind farms prove how moronic humans are.

Tidal energy is the way to go, we’re surrounded by oceans and seas, it never stops, is out of sight and is cheaper over the long term. If they insist on wind, again, we’re surrounded by oceans, put the bloody things out there! Blows my mind driving out Hepburn way and seeing all these turbines and maybe 8 of them are actually spinning.

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