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Syndrome 01-03-2015 10:48 PM

The LA Beast
It is 20 years since I was first introduced to the internet. Since then I have realised how many stupid, idiotic, crazy and messed up people there are. This guy is that latest addition to that list.

CFOUR 02-03-2015 01:40 AM

Re: The LA Beast
"have a good day"

40RDT 02-03-2015 01:59 AM

Re: The LA Beast
LA Beast is good for a laugh at times haha, he loves his crystal pepsi...

cheap 02-03-2015 08:46 AM

Re: The LA Beast
He's been around for a while, I have made my kids watch him just so it reinforces the message of what a lack of proper schooling can lead to and boys to avoid.

CoupeKing 02-03-2015 08:49 AM

Re: The LA Beast
NASA should have selected this guy for the one-way trip to Mars, be pretty entertaining. Then once he's in orbit, inform him that there's been some kind of technical glitch.

''Sorry LA Beast but my colleague here seemed to have entered the wrong coordinates. Mars is out of the question now, but don't worry, your deed for Mankind will forever be recognized. Your new destination is the Sun....have a good day.''

zilo 03-03-2015 09:58 AM

Re: The LA Beast
Look at me...Look at me...please Look at me....:doh:doh:doh:doh

Syndrome 18-01-2021 09:38 PM

Re: The LA Beast

Originally Posted by cheap (Post 5341695)
He's been around for a while, I have made my kids watch him just so it reinforces the message of what a lack of proper schooling can lead to and boys to avoid.

I can't believe he is still going.

sezerb 08-02-2021 02:16 PM

Re: The LA Beast
He disappeared for a while but then made a come back

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