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Lukeyson 27-02-2011 11:49 AM

M1 Freeway, Horses Vs FTO
From Boostcruising, pretty crazy pics in the link. Amazed old mate lived to tell


So, I've just got home from hospital. Was driving home from dropping a mate off after being in Broadbeach on Tues night, was about 1.30am. I dropped him off at Merrimac (Exit 77) this is the last I remember. I then got back on the M1 to continue north to my house and hit a horse at around Exit 75. There was apparently two horses from what the lady that stopped behind me said. I can't remember anything from dropping him off to when I woke up in the Emergency Room. I wrote my car off, was in the FTO. Have two fractures in my skull and going by the pictures I honestly don't know how I am not dead or paralysed etc. Just thought I'd share the pictures with everyone.

Yellow_Festiva 27-02-2011 11:59 AM


Reminds me of a news article that was online several months ago. It was a clip of a car videoing another car ahead of it on what looked like a country road.

They approach a curve and running towards the car was a horse... went straight over the bonnet and the roof and screen were crushed in. I think the horse tried jumping it but didn't get over...

nstg8a 27-02-2011 12:01 PM

lucky lucky guy

Rodp 27-02-2011 12:15 PM

Looking at the drivers side compartment, I'm amazed he lived to tell the tale on that one. Completely caved in. I would have thought instant fatality.

Goes to show though, may have no cars around you but you still need to focus on what's ahead. You never know when you have to deal with the unexpected.

Turboconvert 27-02-2011 02:22 PM

k, I'm very glad that the driver is okay.... considering. Very lucky. But I have stupid question.... What was a horse doing on the M1? I thought amongst other things, horses (unless in a horsetrailer) on the M1, was illegal. The reason been what has ironically happened to poor old mate...

MAGPIE 27-02-2011 03:08 PM

That thread is a great example why the AFF swear filter is a good thing.

As for the accident, he was lucky I've been to a few where the fatalities were inside and outside the car.

AUIIPURSUIT 27-02-2011 03:25 PM

the horses were loose..

turns out the FTO didnt have enough horsepower to avoid the collision.

Danny 27-02-2011 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by AUIIPURSUIT
the horses were loose..

turns out the FTO didnt have enough horsepower to avoid the collision.

Prob not the best time for jap bashing, or making a jibe about his demographic.

gcg2503 27-02-2011 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Danny
Prob not the best time for jap bashing, or making a jibe about his demographic.

Huh? :wtf

GS608 27-02-2011 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by AUIIPURSUIT
the horses were loose..

turns out the FTO didnt have enough horsepower to avoid the collision.

I'd say he had 1 too many horsepower.

Lucky bloke

Peuty 27-02-2011 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Danny
Prob not the best time for jap bashing, or making a jibe about his demographic.

Subtle humor > you

AUIIPURSUIT 27-02-2011 06:27 PM

definately... and considering im an avid jap lover and ex modified silvia owner, your comments are even futher from the pin.

Streets 27-02-2011 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by boost
**** I hate when horses don't turn their lights on at night time.

Best post in topic

JamesR 28-02-2011 07:45 PM

a few months ago i nearly hit a horse on a small back road.
was cruising along at 100k in an EF wagon, towing a trailer with an engine in it..
had high beams on and didnt see the horse standing in the oncoming lane until it was maybe 20meters away.
by the time i saw it i would have hit it without b.raking.
scary stuff

Mechan1k 28-02-2011 08:34 PM

Have had the odd close call with wildlife ... pretty much night/early morning.
Animals are unpredictable ... especially horses (as an owner of many). They are big .... I'd hate to hit one.

That guy is lucky to be alive really.

AUIIPURSUIT 28-02-2011 10:34 PM

when my dad was young him n his mates were driving on a country road and hit a big black cow. said they couldnt see it at all.. it rollled up over the car and did a similar job to the car pictured... except all the way over... he too was extremely lucky to be alive. i think one of his mates had some bad problems though, but my memory of the story is a bit hazy.

Danny 01-03-2011 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Peuty
Subtle humor > you

I need to get off these meds.. :doh

But they make life so niiiiiice

In Focus 01-03-2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by AUIIPURSUIT
when my dad was young him n his mates were driving on a country road and hit a big black cow. said they couldnt see it at all.. it rollled up over the car and did a similar job to the car pictured... except all the way over... he too was extremely lucky to be alive. i think one of his mates had some bad problems though, but my memory of the story is a bit hazy.

Reminds me of the time the old man and I were driving down Albany Highway late at night in a wispy fog, and he was lucky to spot a gleam up ahead. He slowed down, and suddenly we were weaving amongst a herd of cows that had escaped from somewhere. You can imagine what our eyes were like. Yep, like this ---> :eek2

iCat 03-03-2011 09:13 AM

yep my dad came across a race horse being walked in the fog one night near epson in se melb, he was driving a humber super snipe, a car built like a tank, rock solid. the horse jumped onto the bonnet then onto the roof, danced a bit on the roof then jumped off the back. the car looked like it had been rolled.

Feathers 03-03-2011 10:54 AM

My Grandfather had a very similar thing happen back when he was a taxi driver, and most of Bankstown was paddocks.
He told his passenger to get down in the footwell, and then the horse's front legs came straight through the windscreen, right where she'd been sitting.

Car was destroyed. Horse was put down, but both the passenger and my Grandfather survived it with only a few scratches.

trippytaka 03-03-2011 12:11 PM

That is purely insane

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