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Van D 12-05-2006 07:50 PM

I got it the first day it leaked..
I love it when i'm sitting down and chilling out, or doing other things to distract me from the album..

If I want to go in my car or whatever and just listen to a pumping disc... I leave it out.

Still enjoyable, and Aenima still kicks all their other albums asses =)

Van D 12-05-2006 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Fairlane
love it, im still trying to get into it fully, it builds on Lateralus, but has less filler- got it last Sunday for $18 at JB Hi FI.

I thought it had way more filler than lateralus.. 50% is filler =P

CHEF 13-05-2006 08:56 AM

Yeah Aenima is still the number one

TEaaron 13-05-2006 10:12 PM

Just got 10,000 days, vicarious is awesome

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