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Old 30-05-2010, 08:52 PM   #83
Captain Malcolm Reynolds
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Adelaide
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Its not really rare as such, its in the new boxes the same amount as most other cars (ie 3 per box), problem is, demand is much higher than supply. Its like the Ghostbusters cars when they came out a couple of months back, they're the car that everyone wants, so everybody grabs them, and problem is, if there's 3 on the shelf its pretty well guaranteed that whoever gets there first will grab all three.

The thing that really really has started to irritate the you-know-what out of me is the people that just go buy them for the sole purpose of putting them on ebay. Makes it hard for the true collectors who want to collect and appreciate them to actually find them without paying stupid $ for them.
Currently: 2014 Mazda6 GT (Daily) and 1999 Mazda MX5 (Fun Car)
Previously: 2001 Ford Escape XLT; 2010 MC Mondeo; 1984 FD LTD; 2001 AU2 Falcon Forte; 2005 LS Focus Zetec; 1988 RE Colt; 1982 RB Colt; 1974 KE20 Corolla
Originally Posted by Nikked
Riksta likes VN's so much, he has the ashes of a VN in a jar on the mantle piece, a vile of VN engine oil hanging from his neck and a BT1 build plate locked up in a safe, buried under 6ft of concrete.
Originally Posted by Day-mow
pretty much what has happened here is i trolled you. and it was fun.
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