Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 08-07-2022, 04:20 PM   #19129
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by FoxtrotGolfXray 5.0 View Post
I think the issue here, XB and Kobi, is not so much that you're asking the questions, more so that the questions you are asking have all been asked before in this thread, most of them multiple times.
I was going to say the same thing. When someone opens the conversation with a particular line, statement, set of words or tone you just do "here we go again".

Not saying it always will happen, but for me personally it moves into the person trying to educate me about things they saw on a video narrated by a person in dark glasses speaking in whispers and ending with that person calling me a moron because I've been suckered in by a fairytale. Heard it once and not interested in going into it.

I said previously we weren't prepared or expecting the extreme views and beliefs of people.

For me, I'm happy to go get my jabs and move on with life. I did that. I would never jump down the throat of someone with opposing viewpoints in the same way an anti-vaxer jumps down my throat for the way I handled myself. I respect their choice in what they do and what they choose to believe, but they don't respect mine. They offensively trample all over it. But thats just my experience.

Originally Posted by KobiXR6T View Post
The only way you could undoubtedly know how she would have reacted without being unvaccinated would be for her specifically to catch it without being vaccinated.

There is a possibility it may have been better, but you have 100% convinced yourself it would be worse.
It's simply because historically it has been proven that taking vaccines in general decreases or nullifies the change of an infection or virus taking hold or getting serious.

I get the flu shot every year. Every couple of years I come down with a bit of a run down feeling and sniffles that disappears the next or following day. I have no idea what it is, but it could have been the flu and the flu shot did its job for that year.

I believe that being vaccinated is the best possible thing for me and when something happens it provides the best possible protection. I have to believe the same of the coivid vaccine. But I'm left to wonder why people who hold the same original viewpoint as me threw it all out the window with the covid vaccine.

The same people who demand we all take whooping cough vaccines before seeing their new baby but refuse to let vaccinated people see their baby incase they give the kid cooties.

Originally Posted by KobiXR6T View Post
I'd just like to see someone real weight and acknowledgement to the adverse effects that some people experience from them
What if I said that vaccines aren't responsible for the adverse reactions people received?

But they are caused by the immune response to the introduction of the covid spike protein. Which is actually the same reaction a person may experience during and post a covid infection.

If a person has the exact same reaction, or list of reactions, while or after being infected with covid as what they might receive after being vaccinated, then to me they wouldn't be adverse reactions to the vaccine but simply a consequence of the bodies immune response to the same protein being introduced.

Researchers analysed the records of healthcare organisations that cover a fifth of the US population. They found that, during the first 12 months of the pandemic, males aged 12 to 17 were most likely to develop myocarditis within three months of catching covid-19, at a rate of about 450 cases per million infections.

This compares with 67 cases of myocarditis per million males of the same age following their second dose of a Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna vaccine, according to figures from the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Researchers added together cases after first and second doses to reach a total rate of 77 cases per million in this male age group triggered by vaccination, a sixth that seen after infection.

I'm starting to believe there is merit in the idea that vaccine side effects aren't attributable to the vaccine itself, just the immune response to the covid protein.

Originally Posted by KobiXR6T View Post
The only way you could undoubtedly know how she would have reacted without being unvaccinated would be for her specifically to catch it without being vaccinated.
The same could be said for someone who suffered a neurological problem post vaccination. How could you undoubtedly know this was caused by the vaccine when it could be caused by a covid infection itself. The only way to know would be for the same person to catch covid unvaccinated.

I'd love to see some more research into the idea.
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