Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 08-07-2022, 12:54 PM   #19122
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by tweeked View Post
Have you ever had an operation? I had my Achilles fixed, had to sign off that I could die on the table. We have a very open and informative medical industry. They tell you about every tiny risk. The continual carry on that we would have been better off without a vaccine, or stopping after the second is mind numbing. If we should stop, I am sure the experts will tell us we should.

EVERYONE is aware that there can be side effects.

This expert brought up nothing new.

Vaccination should not be changed because there are two people who eat only organic food and can bench press x pounds. They are awesome, and are better placed to beat an infection, absolutely no doubt. I am sure they will be ok without a vaccine. But only because there are two of them and they are fit and healthy, which mean the stats are in their favour. If there was a couple of thousand of them, one could very well avoidably succumb.

It is all a numbers game.
Life is inherently risky and dangerous. Medical intervention can be terminal, as can doing nothing..

I think we can both agree with that.

You are working off the assumption that some people don't want a vaccine available, or the medical advice to go with it. My personal opinion is that they should be available freely to anyone who wishes to participate. The medical advice should be sound and come from professionals, to patients.

When you make the move from advice to orders, and from information to advertisement.. from choice to coercion. Well that is where the waters get muddied.

My perspective from the fence is that there are people on both sides trying to push their beliefs on others.. Some of which acting from a place of concern, some from a place of fear.. but regardless, ultimately the choice should be up to the individual without having to choose between unemployment or participation.
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