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Old 07-03-2022, 04:48 PM   #267
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Russia v Ukraine

Originally Posted by nstg8a View Post
For those saying that Putin is invading because he doesn’t want nato on his border, but invading Ukraine will actually put him on Natos border go have a look at a map…

Russia having control of Ukraine stops nato from extending their “defensive “ missile systems even further. (Think Israel’s iron dome) one article I read said a missile base in the Ukraine would drop the missile flight time to Moscow to just 5-7 minutes.
If that was NATO's aim, why are there no nukes in NATO members like Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Lithunia etc, all of which are much much closer to Russia than the nearest nukes in Turkey and Italy.

And before you say fixed missile silos are so 1980s and redundant these days (I agree), also redundant is the assumption that missiles will be sent from a landmass.

All of which also ignores the fact that Ukraine should be free to make their own choices, whatever those choices may be. Why should Russia decide if a free country gets to join the EU if they wish, or join NATO if they wish. Do you agree that Ukraine and any other nation should be free to choose their own destiny within the confines of international law and common decency? If Indonesia don't like our alliance with the US, you're cool with them invading WA to put some distance between us (*assuming WA has not yet declared independance from the rest of Australia at that point in time)?

I supported the invasion of Iraq at the time based on what we were being told, which turned out to be a crock of **** (problem for Saddam was he spoke so much **** up until then that when he was telling the truth about having no WMDs no one believed him). Since then I am not even close to being one of those "America **** Yeah!" loons when it comes to US meddling in other countries affairs - both US and Russia should let free countries make their own decisions.

Looking at this invasion objectively, all things considered, I cannot see anything that justifies Russia's invasion. Being objective does not mean being neutral - you can look at the different points of view and still determine on side is in the right and the other is totally wrong

Last edited by Mulva; 07-03-2022 at 05:02 PM.
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