Thread: Haunted Roads
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Old 11-02-2022, 12:57 PM   #77
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Default Re: Haunted Roads

When I lived in NSW, Glenbrook, I used to walk with my then 9 year old son through the Glenbrook National Park, we were driving home one afternoon past the Air Base Communication Centre, my son looked to the left and spotted an old disused railway tunnel, it will be boarded off now, this was 1979.

He said to me, can we go there in the morning Daddy, I said why not, it was cold and winter, we left bin the dark at 5 am, wow what a creepy place, built by convicts, the hand made or hewn bricks still had convict arrows an initials carved in, I told my son a little about its history, and how convict labour was forced tonwork there and other places, I also told him that lots of men died because of the terrible conditions and attacks by aboriginals, he got really scared so we left, I got really scared so we left, I told him that too.

When we got home I cooked his favourite breakfast, poached eggs on toast, he had nightmares for a week or so, told his mother that he felt someone touch the back of his neck in the tunnel!
He said someone was whispering to him?
I asked why he dident tell me, he said he was too scared to talk!
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