Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 19-05-2021, 02:56 PM   #22
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Bossxr8 View Post
I love how these clowns push the conspiracy angle, like everyone who doesn't want to get it believes it's a conspiracy to put chips inside us. It's the biggest load of garbage. No one believes that except a few dullards that probably also believe the earth is flat.

What people do think, is one of 3 things. That these vaccines are long term unproven, can cause side effects resulting in blood clots and death (in small numbers), and also the complacency part is definitely a big factor also. Being lucky enough to pretty much have eliminated covid in the community, and with borders closed, means it's basically no risk. This might change when the borders are opened up and covid eventually returns.

People aren't refusing it because they believe they are getting computer chips injected into them. Mickey Molloy was pushing that crap on triple m yesterday

I don't know who's dumber, him, or me for listening to that moron.
LOL I don't listen to MMM but surely the code of conduct would have prevented something like that going to air? Although Mick is a bit of a joker, hard to know when he is being serious or not.

Authorities have a lot of work to do to mitigate the causes of vaccine hesitancy, regardless of what category they fall in, the end result is still the same.

Whilst the 5G / tracking stuff is WAY out there, there are some other theories that blur into the long term health concerns line. Note there are people out there that still think this whole covid thing is a big lie or hoax.
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