Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 19-12-2020, 01:17 PM   #8336
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
That's a higher CMR but you're turning out record deaths in total. Even if you accept a 1% CMR that is 1000/100k.

We've had <30k cases and about 900 deaths this whole pandemic and this is eclipsed in the US every single day by a long way. Even accounting for population difference, that is shocking.

We are twisting ourselves in knots over 28 cases and 0 deaths
I don't think you all comprehend how wretched our healthcare "system" is

The guy I mentioned a week or so ago who had the covid who they wouldn't admit into the hospital until he got pneumonia , the same guy who had a final zoom call with his family , is now home! he literally checked himself out with pneumonia to die at home.

He was terrified he was going to catch something else while in hospital that would kill him instead of the covid which in his words he was handling ok.

He went home and has someone come do IV antibiotics twice a day and is recovering.

The guy has one kidney and opted to go home and take his chances.

His 2 kids are taking care of him , they never tested positive initially and so far feel ok.

All are case numbers are wildly distorted by these new quick tests which seem to return a lot of false positives . Its happened to 2 people I know in the last couple weeks. Incidentally the quick test is not covered by a lot of insurance plans , they are telling people if they want the quick test its $250 out of pocket. They get a positive and are told to get one of the original swab tests , which insurance "will" pay for.

So they tested positive on a quick test they paid for , got a slow test for free , waited 3 days were negative but stayed home from work for no reason and lost 3 days pay. They were probably counted as both a positive "case" then a negative test also 3 days later .

That being said my guess is our case numbers are much lower than what we actually have had. By millions probably , the first 3 months lots of people couldn't get tests at all and then just got over it and will never know if they had it or something else.
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