Thread: Ambitious China
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Old 01-12-2020, 02:27 PM   #250
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Default Re: Ambitious China

Originally Posted by Polyal View Post
Why is that;

a) Important
b) Correct

I get what you are saying, but if we all over reacted to every little quip or photoshop the world would be in more of a mess than it is currently.

Yes we should have said something, but why the PM?

They are baiting us, christ AFAIK the general public in China get a filtered (if anything) why use a platform that their people dont even see. Thats were I struggle with the "weak in their eyes" comments. let them believe their own spin, they are the ones going to look like muppets.

They are juvenile when it comes to international politics, we should be making them look like amateur's.
Because half the world will think that was an unaltered photo. We just say "we will go through our processes blah blah blah " then we are not correcting the record. I am happy standing up to them. Go through a long long night to a better day.

It will hurt, but we have got ourselves into a position with them. The only way out is to not capitulate to them. Just smash them back with their Wolf Warrior diplomacy, anyone thinking you can have a level conversation with them has rocks in their head.
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