Thread: Ambitious China
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Old 28-11-2020, 06:21 PM   #209
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Default Re: Ambitious China

Originally Posted by LG17 View Post
We need to quickly develop export markets with other countries to absorb what we send to China and pull right out of dealing with them unless it's entirely on our terms and price.

We then need to put decent tariffs on crap that comes from there.
Due to their size and buying power that is near impossible to do. I see the global economy and trade agreements akin to the balance you find in nature.

Upset it a little and there is some scope to adjust and adapt, upset it by a very large margin and things go to shambles.

While we scramble to react and possibly try and put more tariffs or restrict stock going to China they would have already predicted this response from us and have made arrangements to obtain everything we provide them from other suppliers.

Nothing we give them is unique to our shores (happy to be corrected on this) - someone, somewhere can provide the same products of a similar or slightly lower quality for the same or lower price.

And if they don't have the facility up to scratch China will buy them out or fund them with a loan and get it running in 3 months.

If they don't have the local personnel to work there China will ship over their own workers.

There is a reason they are buying up large farms, ports, mines etc and strategically funding struggling governments around the world that can't pay back their debts and instead hand over land rights and access agreements.

As I said in another thread - as much as I don't like them (and I don't for several personal reasons) they have arranged the perfect storm for what they are doing.

They can dictate the terms to our sellers. They have the deep pockets to buy whatever they want and influence whom ever they want. They have the workforce that is happy to work long hours, never complain and for next to nothing because they are used to being told what to do and not have a voice to object.

I dated a Chinese girl for a while. She would look at large building or infrastructure projects that took months or years to get going and say 'In China that would have been done in 3 weeks' (for projects that would take several months) or 'In china that would have been done in 4 months' (for projects that would have taken us years)

We plan for today and tomorrow, China plan for the next 10 or 15 years.

As much as I want to see them taken to task for what they are doing to the planet and the global economy it is probably not going to happen without a war.

I've been around the world a couple of times or maybe more.......
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