Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 21-09-2020, 09:20 PM   #13
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Tickford. View Post
Got a work colleague who is a avid cyclist. Cycles 13km's each way to and from work everyday (that's nothing to him). The bloke is very fit and looks after his health, and his diet as if he is a pro athlete.

He tested positive to COVID-19 on 14th July. Only symptom was a temperature. He was back at work this week after being cleared by NHHS, and I had a chat to him yesterday about how he's doing. He said COVID has definitely effected his fitness. He is more out of breath when he rides to work, and when riding back home. Heart and breathing rate is up there he reckons. He kept up his fitness by cycling while in iso as he has a machine at home, so lack of exercise was not the issue.

I was very surprised to hear this. This guy is one of the fittest people I know. If someone like him can be effected in such a way, then the average person (me) maybe in serious trouble. I haven't even been on a cycle for some 15+ years!!

Your average person who has recovered from COVID may not actually know if, or how much, their health has been effected because they may not be exercise/fitness junkies like the bloke above. And got nothing to compare their pre and post COVID health status.

He maybe able to recover his pre COVID fitness level but it will take a lot of work he thinks. Bloke was one of those sceptics of COVID, is also a vegetarian, and one of those climate change people. Yeah, I know. He's view of COVID is very different now. But unfortunately his view on vegetarian and climate change hasn't changed so I will continue to distance myself from him at work. ()
Thought I'd post a little update on this bloke. Just over 2 months now since he tested positive. I had a chat with him today at work. He told me his fitness has not improved, not even the slightest. He still cycles to work everyday, but is really feeling it. Out of breath and pulse rate up there after each ride. He has recently volunteered for medical research being undertaken for people who have overcome COVID, but have long lasting symptoms. As per my post above, this bloke is a fitness fanatic, and he is genuinely concerned for his health now, and into the future.

There was a story on 60 Minutes yesterday on the long lasting effects for some people who have "recovered" from COVID. Was very interesting.

Part 1: On two Aussie's under 50, post COVID infection.

Part 2: Only available on 9now. It was about actress Alyssa Milano's struggle post COVID infection. If you don't have access to 9now, you can read about her battle HERE.

This virus is obviously affecting different people, very differently. And that is a very scary thought.

Last edited by Tickford.; 21-09-2020 at 09:28 PM.
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