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Old 09-09-2020, 03:21 PM   #2
Kicking back
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Default Re: Aged Care with Home Care Packages

Home care is extremely difficult when it comes to kepping gainful employment. It can be like a full time job depending on the circumstance. My ex father in law got to a point where he needed 24/7 assistance. My ex mother in law couldnt keep up. She was on the pension too, but couldnt leave him alone for long enough to run up the shops, couldnt take him with due to the advanced dementia, it was too much. So govco nursing home.
My grandparents initially moved into assisted living. They had their own fully functional unit in a private facility. Once a day a nurse would visit to make sure they're alive. They did their own washing, cooking and cleaning, but had buttons on every other wall incase of a medical event. Plus remotes on neck lanyards just in case. My brother was their primary carer so got the minor carers goverment grant as his job wasnt a 40 hour week and was flexable so he could make daily visits and bring his cat and the now (due to old age) passed lap dog.
My grandparents are now in proper aged care. Its a nice private facility. They are passed the point of self sustainability. An hour or 2 every day from either my brother or my mum helping out just wasnt enough. So full time care was the only option.
Now understandibly, a lot of older people dont have the option of private aged care facilities. Mainly due to superanuation only becoming a mandatory thing in something like 1989. Hence my 75 year old ex father in law being in a public home. My mid 90 year old grandparents did volantary super their working lives. Grandma chose to be a stay at home mum, grandpa retired in 1986. But they still are self funded retirees. Yes visitation rights due to covid are non existant pretty much, but they're looked after, the staff and inhabitants are overly tested, so it not a desiesed rat of a place. As invasive as constant testing is, and the isolations and stuff, it keeps the olds getting older.
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