Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 08-09-2020, 12:15 PM   #6225
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
The polls also said Hillary Clinton was going to be the next president of the USA and Brexit wasn't going to pass

Like Mark McGowan and his '90% approval rating' with a sample size of under 1000 people.

What was the sample size, what are the demographics who participated, what are their professions and where do they live.
You remind me of the Energiser Bunny. Both polls for Brexit and Clinton were close and inconsistent in the days leading up to those events as was the Scottish referendum if you want to drag in something else totally unrelated.

I've seen 3 polls in the last two days, covering more than 150k respondents across a broad socio-economic spectrum as you'd expect from responsible polling and even those that normally show an anti-Government bias are still on the plus side of the ledger. About the only one I have seen that is even close is the poll which has all of 7,375 respondents and is 53/47 in favour.

Originally Posted by ute83
Is that you Dan? So an alternate view is discussed and you call it a busted myth, I don't think so. He was in charge of that dogs breakfast. The responsibility stops with him he has said on numerous occasions.
It has nothing to do with an alternate view. You are welcome to any view you care to hold but if you want to present that view here then do so with sound and reasoned arguments not placard waving platitudes.

Semantics. Your original statement was: Lets not forget that the second wave is entirely of Dandrews' own making but now you've back-tracked to state that he is accepting responsibility for what has happened - a point I don't disagree with.

The Oxford English dictionary definition for responsibility when used as an adjective is:

Adj.: the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or having control over something

Indeed, you could safely argue that the degree of control over the events that an executive branch of Government actually exercises is quite removed, perhaps deliberately, from the implementation of their orders as we saw in the report into the Ruby Princess and will no doubt see in this present Victorian enquiry.

To suggest that any one individual is entirely responsible as your comment did, is not only factually incorrect but simply displays a limited understanding of the operations of Government.

That Andrews hasn't shirked from taking responsibility (used as a noun) for a series of events that were largely beyond his control and certainly well out of his purview, does him credit.


Observatio Facta Rotae

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