Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 08-09-2020, 11:20 AM   #6220
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Romulus View Post
What's going on with Moderna and it's vaccine? Seems their share price has been in steady decline since July, why are their executives selling their shares? I'm reading their vaccine has infringed on an exisiting patent.
In July Moderna lost a case where they challenged the patent held by another company saying that the patented process should be unpatentable. As far as I know Moderna never had a patent of their own on this particular process. I think they did that to try and avoid having to pay royalties to that company if their vaccine was successful. However they lost and now the royalty payments will take a big slice out of their profits.

The fall in the share price could also be caused by rumours about how well their vaccine really works. However the US govt just gave them $1.5billion so maybe not. I think that Moderna is one of the companies that has a deal with Bill Gates to use the production facilities he has set up for mass production. The secret to making big profits out of this virus will be the capacity to produce huge amounts of vaccine as quickly as possible.

Are you sure that it is their own executives that are dumping stock?
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