Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 26-08-2020, 12:58 AM   #5726
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 225
Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Mr_G6ET View Post
In the QAnon world
Uh its not just the QAnon world.

A lot of religions refuse blood transfusions for the exact reasons as stated in the bible:
(Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:10; Deuteronomy 12:23; Acts 15:28, 29) (Leviticus 17:14)

That includes plasma products. So looks like I'll be dying for my principles. and if my mum gets Coronavirus she will die for her principles too.

I'm a bit of a Sci-Fi nut so if a book and/or its words was sent 2,000 years into the past to warn us then its (whatever 666 is, probably AI. Could also be China, The Chinese used to run around the ancient countryside with banners with 6,6,6 written on them.) got to be pretty bad and yes I sincerely believe that the angels in the bible were either aliens or people from the future. Laugh all you want. The sources of light that were described in the bible in the cave that the two women saw after they inspected the cave after jesus's ascension were clearly white bright shining lights from "lanterns" and the cloaks that they describe the angels wearing in the Bible are LED lined fabric.

You're talking to someone who used to be a fan of Arthur C Clarke when he was a kid and even I'm moving toward religious beliefs as AI and Coronavirus become prevalent.


According to the bible, speaking here in a strictly academic fashion I don't want to convert you guys, or do I? God is a black box like thing which floats around the room and breathes fire.

As for the topic of discussion regarding aged care. I agree with caring for my mother and I cared for my father for the last 20 years diligently even sacrificing everything in my life to do so, after his truck accident it was a huge burden for my mother and I took over that responsibility. Anyway more to the point, I 100% guarantee you that my mother won't be passing away in a hospital or aged care home.

I'm also seriously considering doing the same thing for other elderly people in my religious group, even going so far as to buy a lot of land and build an american-style aged care home and caring for them for myself.

The way that my father died in an aged care home, fearing for his life because the nurses didn't care about him, that won't be happening to my mother.

In a lighter note, here is a nice Greenday video:

Last edited by gooseneck; 26-08-2020 at 01:25 AM.
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