Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 21-08-2020, 11:24 PM   #5540
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by russellw View Post

Here's one back. Polio. How you can compare a 'supposed fix' for a bit of nausea with a life saving vaccination beggars belief. The amount of global scrutiny any vaccine that becomes generally available will get will make anything that has come before pale into insignificance.

My point is that Thalidomide had all the certifications of being completely safe....from all the research and due diligence that a profitable drug company offered.

That "little bit of nausea" had devastating consequences to it's victims.

You are advocating a medical experiment on 100% of the population.

Think about that..everyone gets it...if something is not right then all of us get the consequences of it not being "quite right".

If you can't see what is wrong with that then ...well.......what if the cure is worse than the disease....

It would add a new meaning to "we are all in this together"....
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