Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 12-08-2020, 09:07 AM   #5220
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by PhilT2 View Post
Same here; unless I see the what the questions were and the sample size I'm a bit sus. But this does fit in with what is happening here in Qld, most seem to approve of firm action to control the spread no matter the cost to the economy.
Campaigning is underway for our state election on Oct 31st and I expect it will be fought over who would have controlled it best and how we handle the economic recovery. Politics and the virus are inexorably linked. For us older folk our very life depends on how well the politicians handle this.
Guardian is usually pretty neutral I find, but yeh it would have been good to see the size and spread, and also way the questions were phrased. (Edit: actually its in the article, 500 victorians, pretty small sample size)

You'd be mad to criticise QLD on their handling. You guys have killed it, made the right call on the border lock downs despite being heavily challenged from the feds and down south. And now looks like you are going to take our grand final too.....possibly even brownlow.

Last edited by T3rminator; 12-08-2020 at 09:14 AM.
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