Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 10-08-2020, 09:33 AM   #5140
BOSS 5.4L Enthusiast
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Doctor claims Ivermectin triple therapy is 'amazingly effective' in treating COVID-19

Gastroenterologist Professor Thomas Borody says the Australian government should allow the clinical trials of a drug he says is “amazingly effective” in treating the deadly coronavirus COVID-19. Professor Borody says Ivermectin, used in conjunction with two other drugs, has so-far been extremely successful in treating the deadly pathogen. The drug is Federal Drug Agency and World Health Organisation approved; it is widely used for parasitic infections. However, Professor Borody told Sky News despite early result showing the drug is a successful COVID-19 treatment, he has been met with a “very negative reaction” by the federal government when he suggests the drug should be subjected to rigorous clinical trials.

Promising results in small number trials, being suggested as potential protection for frontline workers and elderly in homes.
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