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Old 08-08-2020, 08:32 PM   #15
Crazy Dazz
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Default Re: Psychos in the Auto-Repair Business

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
Those cheap / free inspections are to suck in vulnerable people who have little understanding of cars and assume every workshop is out to do their best for their customer.

Tyres places are the same, brakes, etc.

A big name car company did the same to my sister. She took her car in for a routine service and was called to advise that her brakes were totally shot and unroadworthy... She was put on the spot and agreed to change them.

Only problem was - they were recently changed by me. No way they were due. After a few phone calls and requests for the worn pads to be produced the whole service fee was refunded...

Ohhhh what a feeling!
What really ****s me about this practice is multifold:
1) They treat every job as an opportunity to screw you. You can't get a simple necessity like brake-pad done, without them claiming that you need new calipers, rotors, and a "flush".
2) They're happy to screw you over with $500 of parts you don't need, just for their markup and profit on fitting. I wouldn't mind if they just charged a bit more for the basic job, they need to pay wages and overheads.
3) They're not actually interested in doing anything outside their standard list of rip-offs. My daughter needed the brakes doing on her AU. Of course they tell her that she needs new calipers and rotors. I said **** that we'll do it ourselves. Only had to touch the back wheel to figure that the problem, and what had ****ed the brakes, was the bearing was completely shot. SO they would have charged her for new rotors and calipers, and it would have been ****ed again inside a week.
4) All this forces me to do **** like this myself. I like DIY, I love building stuff, and doing interesting repairs. Doing brakes, without a hoist, I am well and truly over.
Time to Make the Hippies Cry Again
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