Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 07-08-2020, 08:18 PM   #5087
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
Actually UK has surprisingly seem to be able to control their cases. Since July they are floating between 300 - 900 per day. Not bad for a population of 66m crammed into the space of Victoria. They stuffed up bad initially though.

NHS needs a lot of work. Severely under resourced. When I went in with symptoms of appendicitis they sent me home the first day. The 2nd day I went back and they put me on a bed for 6 hours. The only positive thing was a hot nurse coming in and "prodding" me with her thumb every hour or so. The surgeon later told me my appendix nearly burst and they had to send it off for further studies.

Mind you, if you recovered from CV you owe NHS nothing. In the US, there have been reports of uninsured people owing $400k
To clarify the problem isn't the NHS. If we were dealing with the same conditions, Medicare would have been crippled too.

It is and always has been about not overwhelming the capacity of the hospitals which we put measures to stop that pretty early.

The only reason I mention it is because it is not out of pocket and therefore not a blocker.

I wonder if the UK shift had anything to do with BoJo getting the Rona. At least BoJo learned a lesson.
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