Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 04-08-2020, 08:10 PM   #4994
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by roddy1960 View Post
How do our Victorian forum members see the overall handling of the pandemic in your State , especially with Daniel Andrews and his team in mind given what's happening at the minute .

It's critically important for the whole country (obviously) that this is handled really well for all sorts of reasons but on the economic front ABC radio reported yesterday that about 25% of our national economy involves our second most populous State .

If that is actually correct , the sooner Victoria's situation improves again the better for us all .

One thing is for sure . How Victoria handles this second wave will be watched and learned from nation wide because an outbreak could happen anywhere in our country . We're a long way from being Covid safe yet that's for certain .
I'm a little miffed at the way they've subverted democracy by putting off parliament - GAGF, figure it out like everyone else working from home, or quarantine yourselves and have your little isolation bubble like the AFL.

Went way too hard too early with Victoria Police and lost the confidence of the community.

After Victoria Police went on their epic revenue raising mission fining children on driving lesson with mum, man in car wash at 1AM on a weekday, 3 guys in a car watching a movie, they did nothing about BLM protests.

Would have liked a little more personal responsibility on the vulnerable to isolate themselves rather than immensely damage the economy with their approach they've taken.

I'd have preferred aged care facilities to have had a swift kick up the *** for allowing what they have through their malpractice.

Questionable decisions on outsourcing to security companies who are flat out looking after the shopping centers let alone managing quarantine in a pandemic.

Otherwise its a once in a lifetime event - aside from a few small things I've listed above, I think they're doing an alright job with the circumstances and the cards they've been dealt making a couple of mistakes along the way but it comes from a good, well meaning position rather than ulterior motives.
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