Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 04-08-2020, 01:16 AM   #4957
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by danzvtil View Post
Jesus Christ, how does reducing an abattoirs output by 30% reduce the risk of covid? It will still take the same amount off staff!! And more concerning, supermarket distribution centres to reduce staff by 30% this is a disaster, you thought empty shelves were scary before, just wait, this is not workable if we want supermarkets full of food and supplies.
Thought the same thing. Premier mentioned that Victoria supplies itself and other parts of Australia, so can't afford to go off line on the abattoirs. Have any of you done contam work of any kind? The only thing I can think is maybe they reduce the people in areas where likely to get infected, and then apply heavy PPE/ protocols of removal and cleaning for those remaining. This kind of work is slow, and you have to be methodical in how you protect yourself and get out of the gear too. Eg Asbestos work, nasties like PCBS, VOCs, radiation... Not impossible to do, but things slow down, comparatively.
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