Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 02-08-2020, 05:46 PM   #4875
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
It's obvious, look at the post codes with the most cases and where the community transmission is occuring.

I've covered it before but it's to do with Melbourne being divided up into ethnic communities with their own micro economies - it's a view if you aren't part of our community than you can get ****ed, my grandparents think exactly the same about the pandemic, they don't see the government as being able to dictate to them how to live their lives.

It's not one particular ethnicity that's the problem, it's mismanagement of helping migrants fit into Melbourne society, they mismanaged it from the 1940s when my grandparents migrated here and they've mismanaged it with the Sudanese they dumped here in the mid 00s and everything in between over the past 80 years.

It's more prominent in Melbourne because it's the most monocultural city in the nation - North West, West and parts of the South East.

Imagine living in Melbourne when it's economy is built around art, culture and hospitality and then you have a pandemic and the government forces closed all the art, culture and hospitality businesses

Surely other cities also have groups of the same ethnicity?
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