Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 24-07-2020, 02:19 PM   #4518
BOSS 5.4L Enthusiast
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by cheap View Post
Interesting video regarding C19 and what it does to the body and a very promising treatment for C19.

Raises the question, do people actually die from C19? As it seems C19 interferes with the bodies immune system such that other virus get a hold i.e. influenza.
Good find, sadly a lot of the promising treatment solutions seem to be getting drowned out for any promise of the golden ticket vaccines down the line, It seems of face value there are multiple cheap anti viral treatments (HCQ and ivermectin) that have now proven if given early post diagnosis can have a significant impact on the patents health trajectory but we don’t seem to be getting educated about this from Mainstream News from what I can see in articles that are posted.

Personally I’d happily take a prescribed anti viral and wear the associated costs if it will potentially stop the spread, there seems to be little to no negative impacts for someone in my age bracket, if anything will help with general cold and flu during these winter months and it’s just another tablet to go with the other supplements doctors have advised to take to boost immunity being Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc.

Last edited by FPV8U; 24-07-2020 at 02:26 PM.
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