Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 23-07-2020, 01:11 PM   #4478
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Fed View Post
Thanks prydey.

Death Vs Total Infections or Resolved Infections?
It's deaths vs identified infections.

As I said earlier, it's a bit misleading really because the more testing you do (and therefore the more cases you identify) the lower the CMR is likely to be.

It's probably only directly comparable between countries that have tested similar percentages of their population but in the absence of any other measure, it's as good as any.

We are a case in point. Back in the early days of the pandemic our CMR was as high as 3.84% based on the fact that we'd done very little testing and only had the severe cases. We've now done a lot of testing (20% of the adult population) and the CMR is down to below 1%. Interestingly, the USA has tested a similar percentage of their adult population (24%) but their CMR is still almost 3.6% and the UK has tested 26.5% for a CMR that is still above 15%.


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