Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 23-04-2020, 11:48 PM   #2133
BENT_8's Avatar
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by MITCHAY View Post
JobSeeker is directly claimed and paid to a person, JobKeeper is paid to employers so long as they keep paying employees at least $1500 per fortnight out of their own pocket in the interim.

JobSeeker will be back paid to when you claim or register intent to claim and JobKeeper will be back paid from 30/3.
This is correct as my Job seeker claim was submitted on the 30/3, however, not only have they not back paid me for the period from 30/3 when I lodged my claim until the 19/4 when my claim was accepted as per their text message reply, they then decided to not include the following 4 days and instead started paying me from today, for the fortnight beginning 23/4 to 6/5 which I would receive after 6/5.

So despite not working since 23/3, having my claim lodged on 30/3 and being accepted on 19/3, im only 1 day into the fortnight they intend to pay me for, they didn't back pay anything, in fact it was delayed by 4 days after acceptance to begin 23/3.

I should have been paid the standard rate for the fortnight 30/3 to 13/4 and again from 14/4 until 27/4 minus whatever I declared as my Wife's earnings, this should also have included the $550p/fortnight COVID19 Supplement.

For the record I contacted the Govco mob who advise about what to do as I wasn't sure if I would be eligible to be paid the Job Keeper payment if my employer chose to pursue that avenue, they said I would but suggested I submit a claim for Jobseeker in the meantime just in case which would sort itself out if/once my employer claimed Jobkeeper for me which they have now done.
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