Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 12-04-2020, 12:09 PM   #1488
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
No, I've requoted it below to refresh the memories

This is a claim that unless you have underlying issues and are over 80, it isn't fatal.

Its not saying 'most'. its in the definitive.

Its just flat out wrong.

Just like other misinfo posted by this person that keeping your vitamins up will stop you getting the virus or from dying. A healthy diet is always recommended, not just when there is illness around. Yes, if you are healthy, it works in your favour and will 'help' you overcome illness should you catch something, but it isn't a vaccine or a way to not get it. It also doesn't make you immune to dying.

That info doesn't come from main stream media. its just basic health, biology, chemistry and science.
Fair call. I wouldn't say that there are any fixed prerequisites for it to be fatal. But again, look at the stats and you'll see quite a clear pattern emerging. This may change..

A lot of people appear to have very limited knowledge of above in bold. Lots of unhealthy people getting around, believing everything the see on tv, read on facebook, etc.

Everyone has their own belief, and the data is available to support that bias if you go looking. Finding accurate data is not easy, nor is keeping an open mind.

And with our current testing (or lack of), there really is no useful data to evaluate just how dangerous this virus may be.

What do you think about this?

From the result of their blood survey, the German team estimated the death rate in the municipality at 0.37% overall, a figure significantly lower than what’s shown on a dashboard maintained by Johns Hopkins, where the death rate in Germany among reported cases is 2%.

The authors explain that the difference in the calculations boils down to how many people are actually infected but haven’t been counted because they have mild or no symptoms.
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