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Old 25-04-2019, 01:38 PM   #20
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: The Notre Dame Cathedral...

I'll try again . Hopefully it won't be deleted if I do it this way...

It upsets me to see people on AFF forming opposing religious reasons why the fire happened when no evidence can back that up as yet if ever .Probably why the moderators pulled a few comments. It's emotive stuff .

The Notre Dame fire no matter what caused it was a terrible thing but for one fantastic result . No precious lives lost .

Any opinions that it was a radical terrorist attack , it's linked to other fires to churches in France or elsewhere or any similar radical action is to be condemned and has political connections is not helpful for anything, especially since that could not yet be possibly confirmed by anyone .

The Notre Dame Cathedral is a very special building for Catholics like me all over the world and when something like this happens it affects people all over the place , not just France . We can't belittle that with unconfirmed theories .

Give the French authorities time to carry out any necessary investigations and if any breaches occurred , let the law take it's course .

In the meantime lets see the thoughtful , carefully considered potential planning and rebuild take place at some stage and return it to it's former glory . Please respect that .
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