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Old 04-08-2018, 09:29 PM   #49
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Default Re: Does Anyone Here Fly Drones??

Originally Posted by Ratmick View Post
Too many factors, depends on weight and how many cells in your pack, what motors you're packing and how far away you plan on getting (in any direction). A lot of it will depend on peripherals too, your camera(s) and Rx/video transmitter.

I'm going to be using 3S packs (three LiPo cells in series, so 11.1V), but haven't flown yet as it's still a work in progress.

Creative (who is using 4S and is moving to 6S) and the OP could tell you what they get but it'll only be an indication and not any thing useful. In fact the OP's flight times should be pretty similar, the DJI drones aren't quick and nothing ever changes in setup...having said that the batteries are normally under-specced and the things are relatively heavy.

Generally if you fly like a pussy the drone will stay in the air longer too...but where's the fun in that?
I have had a few varied experiences with different motor styles and battery styles with rc cars. Right, I'm talking cars not drones, but in essence when it comes to batteries it's still relevant. So in 2009 to kill time at home because the mrs was heavily pregnant and annoying i needed something to kill time. I picked up a RC stadium truck. 3000mah 7.2v nimh batteries. Stock it went ok but 6 to 8 minutes run time flat footed. My son currently has a monster truck with the same motor and esc that mine had originally with 3 amp 8.4v 7 cell batteries and its quicker then mine was stock and gets about 15 minutes flat out. My car stayed stock for about a week before I went brushless and it went better on the 7.2v batteries in that it was faster, but run time was about the same. The speed controller I bought I did so because it was capable of 3s lipos. So 2200mah 11.1v batteries was the go and considering the lower amp hours, the thing turned into an absolute animal to the extent of even with the esc soft start set to as soft as possible it would have a hard time keeping the front end on the ground. And run time went up to around 20 minutes. So motor selection, and other factors are the key.
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