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Old 09-01-2016, 09:26 AM   #1456
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

You're doing really well - You've lost 10 kg!. It's better to lose weight slowly as it's more sustainable in the long run. You've still got the gut because that's the first place it went on - it's coming off in reverse order.

It's still about the net calories at the end of the day. So pay very close attention to that. Average calories for a male is about 2400 per day. Any more and you add weight, any less and you lose weight. Are you recording your calorie intake with a fitness app? If not, I would recommend MyFitnessPal and team that with Endomondo (they integrate) for exercise. Also, alcohol - it's a killer, so many calories. What are you drinking per day?

When everyone else is having a few schooners at the end of the day whack your runners on and go for a nice evening walk. Build up to 5 km per day.

I'm assuming you are on site - does the company have a gym?

Keep going.
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