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Old 03-02-2005, 06:44 PM   #16
X-Series Club Moderator
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This guy got of lightly. He should be counting himself lucky they were trying to score as opposed to recently consumed.

I've been in a couple of scuffles on the train over the years, the only major one was my mate smacking this one little smart mouth punk off his bike backwards after he lost control riding it, plowed into my mate then mouthed off at him for being in the way.... even had the lack of brains to give my mate a bit of "oh yeah, just try it" when he was probably 1/2 the weight required to make such a comment to an angry football player. Both the kid and his bike exited the train at the next station, albiet kid first (to soften the landing for his bike which followed shortly after!).

Gotta love living in Lilydale. :gren:
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