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Old 30-11-2005, 02:43 AM   #4
Highway Taxi
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[QUOTE=Gauntster]Mate you have to have carbs, main source of energy, the less refined the better ie: rolled oats, potatos(not fried and definately not hot chips!), sour dough bread or whole meal if you can't find the other, whole meal pasta, etc.

The idea is to have the majority of your carbs in the morning and at lunch eg: two thirds of your breakfast should be carbs the other third is protein. The opposite at dinner eg:one third carbs(mainly from vegetables), two thirds protein.

The main idea is to keep your blood sugar level down, intake as little as possible in the way of sugar(as you have pointed out).

A simple exercise and eating program would be something like this:
Portion sizes may vary with the individual!

I agree with most of the above but carbs after 12 noon is detrimental! You need high protein as the body increases its metabolism dramatically to absorb it. Stay away from white carbs, eg bread, rice, it comes down to their GI index ( blood sugar level)( sweet potatoes one of the best). It is true to exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as your body is still burning energy whilst asleep. Equivalent to an engine idiling over. At this stage your body has burnt all the (muscle glyogen) stored carbohydrates & you will be burning pure fat!, just wait an hour after your exercise in the morning & you will burn even more. If you want to pig out do it in the morning, your body then has the whole day when you metabolisim is at a higest to burn it. Go for the high protein eating plan, it has been a known fact for years from body builders & fitness fantactics & only now has it come into vogue by all the high profile stars using it. Ensure you drink a lot of water which helps metabolise fat & take a multi vitamin plus vitamin c every day, Yes vitamin c the most common & underated vitamin. Creatine Monohydrate is good but works better with a lot of water & you must drink it with juice etc, something with a high Gi to absorb it quick, you will also have to avoid durietics (coffee, coke ) etc to get the maximum effect.

Finally weights & cardio! do your weights first & then do cardio after. After a weights workout you have burnt all the muscle glyogen & then you do cardio, same as morning routine, pure fat burnt!

Enough rambling good Luck!
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