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Old 08-08-2011, 06:49 PM   #29
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 740
Default Re: Dont buy from City ford Zetland

Mr Polites is responsible for his dealership. He is responsible for the people he employs. If they aren't up to scratch or aren't doing their job properly it is his fault. The way in his dealership - and therefore he himself- has treated tcrowley is beyond a joke and no one reading this thread (on the biggest Ford forum site in Australia) will consider doing business with City Ford. Considering sales of fleet Falcons (which usually prop up dealers) continue to plummet I think some concern should be taken.

The very fact that Mr Polites trawls this site should tell people a lot.

The sad fact is Ford Australia continue to treat customers with such contempt is now costing them big dollars. They need to join the 21st century. It used to be that a disgruntled Ford customer would just tell Fred and Tom down at the local over a longneck or two. Now there's this thing called the Internet: everyone contemplating doing business with City Ford or buying a Fiesta in general can read this: and sales plummet (Fiesta sales are down massively on this time last year). Also consider that most people have Facebook. Average friends: 300. Put your Ford disaster story up on Facebook (as I did) and suddenly hundreds if not thousands are aware of Fords "service" capabilities. Like I've stated previously, a friend was considering buying a Focus - set on buying it - and asked my advice; all I did was point them to the Focus Lemon thread - they bought a Mazda 3 instead.

Anyways, perhaps Mr Polites could man up and actually fix tcrowleys issues instead of stalking unhappy customers online and firing off emails.

What? A Ford dealer manning up and taking action? Wouldn't that be a story!
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