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Old 01-01-2005, 02:08 PM   #7
No longer driving a Ford.
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
Posts: 2,969

Your year (and your mums) can only get better bro.

Sorry to hear about your mum being the unfortunate victim of one of those all-too-frequent idiots who we have to share the roads with.

I hope everything is sorted out quickly, and that the idiot who caused it gets caught, surely they would have copped some damage to their car, as well as leaving some paint from their car on your mums?

They should just consider themselves lucky that you and I aren't going to punish them bro...
Originally Posted by russellw
For those who get their jollies attacking other people let me remind you that we will not tolerate this here. If you want to do that then I am sure your presence would be welcomed elsewhere.
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