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Old 07-02-2011, 05:32 PM   #22
Starter Motor
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 21

Originally Posted by ford3000gt
Cougar1999, is yours an auto or a manual as I've read that the manual pedals are too close together and over to the left a bit too much. I'm looking at one as a cruiser whilst my V6 Capri is having a complete makeover, which could take some time, if you know what I mean!
Hi ford3000gt, Sorry for the delay in responding, been having a couple of senior moments. I've seen a number of reviews on the Cougar over the years and they say things like the pedals are too far to the left and that the seats are awful! I find my Cougar just fine. Whatever the setup, you soon get used to it. I even had an X-Trail with the centre speedo, but I never got a ticket! Anyway, the Cougar is the original cruiser in my view. She purrs along the freeways and pulls really well from low revs (when the wife drives it without changing down!). As for spacing between the pedals, again not a problem that I've noticed. I guess I'm just a real fan and enjoy driving the Cougar when I'm not taking my life in my hands in my Explorer (yep, got one of those too! But that's another story)
I reckon the Cougar is a great little car and I'm sure you would very soon get used to whatever little quirks it presents. All the best.
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