Thread: Formal Car
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Old 08-08-2010, 10:40 PM   #1
Starter Motor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 3
Smile Formal Car

G'day fellas.

I come to your humble forums looking for some help.

It is my schools formal on the 18th of November this year and to make a long story short I am looking for an amazing looking vehicle to drive myself and my girlfriend in.

I read on this forum in some article that your club meets up every 2nd Thursday - now hopefully this means that the Thursday that you guys (and ladies) meet up will be the same Thursday as my formal.

The formal starts at about 6pm (I think), so that means that you will need to pick us up at about 5.30pm and wait to drive us in. You wouldn't have to wait any more than half an hour and then you'll be out of there by 6.30pm.

I of course don't expect you to do this for free so I'll give you a bit of payment for your effort.

I don't want to be too picky on cars here, nor am I a car expert, but if possible anything like an old Mustang, I'm not narrowing it down to just Mustangs - but that style of old muscle car would be perfect.

So if you think you'd be able to help me out here than can you please post up a picture of your car and I'll pick the one that I think would be the most suitable.

Thank you very much and I hope you can help me out.


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