Thread: -1 Wheel :(
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Old 02-05-2008, 07:11 PM   #5
Starter Motor
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 22

On the New England near the Thornton and Weakleys Dr turnoffs where they're building that overpass (figures its an overpass dunno what else it could be)

Been over a few potholes but just what everyone does on avg. Checked the wheels not long ago either and was no signs of any crack unless its was an invisible hairline one.

And like I said on the way back up we checked the road out and there wasn't even any sign of a pothole at all so must of been something on the road I hit but sure didn't see anything or sound like it was an object just sounded like going over a pothole :

Woulda been nice to see what it looked like before that part ripped off it, shame there was no where to pull over before that happened.
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