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Old 11-02-2007, 10:05 PM   #246
The Dok
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Sadly this thread has (recently) deteriorated to a point of impending closure, it upsets me that a (newer) "member" has to come in here to pass judgement on this project (inadvertantly mocking my 18 years headlight reconditioning/modifying experience) that I put so much time & effort into. These (projector) headlights have proven to be an excellent product & in 1 particular instance (Simon) proved far superior to HID's from his own experience. There are (& will only ever be) 4 pair of these made so enjoy them guy's.
"HID's" are NOT something I use or recommend for many reasons (especially retro fitting), "angel eyes" even less so, also encouraging people to dissassemble their (bonded) headlights to do their own HID/Angel eye installations or modifications is irresponsible to say the least.
A special thanks to "Duffman", "Mechan1k", "LG" & "Chief". Cheers guys, & thanks for the support. :
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